Black ministers gather outside trial over the murder of Arbury | WGN Radio 720

Protesters are standing outside the Glynn County Hall in Brunswick, Georgia, on Thursday, November 18, 2021, during the trial of Greg McMichael and his son Travis McMichael, and his neighbor William “Rodi” Brian. .. The three have been charged with murdering 25-year-old Amado Aberbury in February 2020. (AP Photo / Geoffrey Collins)

Brunswick, Georgia (AP) — Hundreds of ministers gathered and prayed in a court in Georgia. ..

When testimony resumed inside Glynn County Hall, there were four large pillars, arched windows, shaded lawns, and a group of mostly black ministers gathered outside. A sea of ​​dark suits and white collars.

Many had a sign that said “Black Rev. Important” and some wore a photo of Arbury and a button with the hashtag “#JusticeForAhmaud” used in the incident. One vendor sold T-shirts under one tent, and under another tent a woman provided water and light meals and asked people to put their donations in pickle jars.

Rev. Al Sharpton announces a rally after defense lawyers in Brunswick’s coastal Georgia community have stated that they do not want to have “no more black ministers” sit in court with Arbury’s family after frustration. bottom.

As the crowd went out, Rev. Jesse Jackson rejoined Arbury’s family in court.

Rev. Gregory Edwards was broadcasting a Facebook live video to his friends in Allentown, Pennsylvania. He is a pastor of the Resurrected Life Community Church of the United Church of Christ. According to Edwards, as soon as the ministers’ call to come to Brunswick disappeared, he rescheduled to fly off.

“I would have walked,” said Edwards, who runs a multi-faith, multi-ethnic community organizing group. Edwards said he cried when he saw a video of a 25-year-old black man being shot dead, thinking of his three black adult sons.

“Technology has forced us to witness the public executions of black brothers and sisters,” Edwards said.

Brunswick and a group of companies in Glynn County around it worked together to provide a free barbecue sandwich, shrimp, and side dish lunch before the pastors gathered. Organizer Mike Marie said the group wanted to show that the community was united rather than divided by race.

“I thought this was good for all these visitors,” Marie said.

A mobile phone video of Arbury’s death on February 23, 2020 was leaked online about two months later, deepening public protests against racial injustice. Defense claims that Arbury was killed in self-defense.

Travis McMichael, the man who shot Arbury, testified Thursday that Arberry did not speak, show weapons, or threaten him before he raised his shotgun and aimed at him.

Black ministers gather outside trial over the murder of Arbury | WGN Radio 720

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