Station 19’s Laria Sucini, who is about to die in a Los Angeles pouch swing accident, has launched an adaptive clothing line for injured children.

After losing his life in the Los Angeles-Pouch swing accident, Laria Sugini is committed to helping other injured and sick children overcome the obstacles they face.

A 12-year-old Los Angeles girl pursued an acting and fashion career, but now decides to become a doctor after a tragic accident that led to several brain surgeries.

“I thought I’d die,” Suzini, who recently starred in ABC’s “Station 19”, told CNN. “I didn’t know what happened.”

More than a year ago, an eyebolt holding a swing bungee cord jumped out of the ceiling of the porch and shot through Laria’s skull.

“It started as a cute, all-American moment, her grandfather was pushing her,” said her mother, Stacey Suzini. “The next thing you know is blood everywhere and I thought I would lose my daughter.”

The Los Angeles Fire Department crew found Laria suffering a stroke, unconscious, and losing her left-hand movement.

Members of Station 97 helped her regain consciousness and rushed her to Cedars Sinai Hospital.

Stacy Sugini recalls that Laria had so much bleeding that her daughter had two blood transfusions before the doctor performed the surgery.

“The projectile passed through her skull and reached the area of ​​the brain responsible for spontaneous motor control,” said Dr. Moise Danierpour, a pediatric neurosurgeon at Cedars.

“She couldn’t move one side of her body because of an open wound. Time was important.”

Dr. Danielpour explained that doctors and nurses fought to save Laria’s life while maintaining Laria’s damaged brain as much as possible.

“The life of this beautiful child was in our hands and there was no doubt about it,” said Danielpour.

Miraculously, Laria survived almost five hours of surgery.

Inspired by gratitude

Even now, more than a year later, Lyra’s left arm is paralyzed.

However, she has taken extensive physiotherapy, not only acting back, but also biking, playing soccer, running on the track, and chasing her three brothers at the Hollywood Hills home. I also do other normal children’s work, such as playing soccer.

“I’m working hard to get back to all that,” Laria said. “Some people think this (her injury) is very bad, but my life is ruined, but you have to be positive.”

A cheerful attitude prompted her to help fellow pediatric patients by creating a line of fashionable and comfortable clothing for children living with medical equipment.

Before the accident, Laila was designing clothes with her best friend under the brand name LATE Clothing LA. However, her accident also brought her focus to sick and injured children.

“We donate clothes to children with casts on their arms, PICC lines, or feeding tubes on their arms. Anything that requires changing clothes,” says Laria. The acronym PICC line is an abbreviation for peripheral inserted central venous catheter and is used for the administration of intravenous fluids.

A first-year middle school student said he saw how he and other children would benefit from comfortable clothing with these lines and cast openings during recovery.

One of those children was her friend Jack Boulas. He also survived a major brain injury as well as a heart attack.

Six-year-old Jack suffers from the rare catecholamine-operated polymorphic ventricular tachycardia that causes arrhythmias.

“Many families, children and parents live in isolation in a children’s hospital,” said Jack’s father, Matt Boulas. “Thanks to Laria for being kind to Jack. He always talks about her and loves her.”

“The first thing he says is” hide-and-seek “when I met her because I like playing hide-and-seek. “

Laria’s pediatric clothing line is still in its infancy and several items have been donated.

But clothes are still in their infancy, Laila says. She also wants to follow in the footsteps of a doctor to the operating room and one day become a pediatric neurosurgeon.

She is a straight student and I am confident she can do it. But for now, Lyra is taking a day at a time.

“It’s great to be able to influence the lives of young people,” said Danielpour.

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Station 19’s Laria Sucini, who is about to die in a Los Angeles pouch swing accident, has launched an adaptive clothing line for injured children.

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