Executives Fighting to Improve Mental Health with Movie Talk Changes at Covid – Deadline

Two major players fighting for improvement mental health The UK film industry has been spotlighting improvements since the beginning of the pandemic.

2018 Psychologist and Producer Rebecca Day Special Become an animalWithin a month of the initial blockade, she said she had contributed to more panels than in the last two years and now has to hire additional therapists to take on the influx of clients.

“I can now pause and think about what I need, how I want to work in the future, and how I can achieve that,” when people started the pandemic, the real meaning was. There was, “Day said. She was speaking at a deadline-sponsored European film market session entitled Time To Change.

“People were given the courage to express how they felt. When they formed a panel on this in 2018, they feared that people would be insulted by the hard-working proposals. The reaction gave me a clear sense of security, but the reaction has been positive and speeded up since the pandemic. “

In a conversation with Diana Rodderhose, editor of Deadline International Features, Day also said that mental health “is treated on television in a much more sensitive and sophisticated way than it was two years ago.”

With the pandemic, employers realized that caring for their employees’ mental health could save them money over the long term, adding Days, which helped them increase their productivity and staff retention.

Backed by broadcast and production tycoons, British film and television charities 12 months Nearly 9 out of 10 workers behind the camera experienced mental health problems, followed by shock statistics that found that more than 50% were thinking of suicide, followed by tackling mental health challenges. The targeted campaign ultimately led to the declaration of a mental health emergency. The latest findings from charities will be published later this week.

Sarah Mosses, founder and CEO of Together Films, used a pandemic to talk with employees about “what they are used to, how they want to work, and what their ideal situation is.” He said he had a “personal dialogue”.

Moss brings her to improve people’s mental health, from regular one-on-one meetings focused on happiness being tried by the Sheffield DocFest to the use of counseling support lines and mental health. I have listed many measures. A day that employees can use like a sick day.

Regarding the latter, Moss rejected the idea that people could “abuse policy” and said her team used an average of 1-2 days “Mental Health Day”.

“If they trust the process and are transparent, it shouldn’t be abused,” she explained. “I am very open about my mental health experience and make it clear that I will only use” Mental Health Day “if I am in a bad place. “

Executives Fighting to Improve Mental Health with Movie Talk Changes at Covid – Deadline

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