Local Union Celebrate at Labor Day Parade for the First Time in a Year | Local News

Members of URBANA — Laborers Local 703 packed $ 1,100 worth of candy in two shopping carts at Sam’s Club for several days leading up to the Champaign County Workers’ Day parade on Monday.

For the union, which includes a variety of construction workers, Saturday’s parade wasn’t just special because it was canceled by a pandemic last year. It was also a celebration of a fruitful year.

“Now we are strong,” said President Rusty Davenport. “We have more work than we know what to do. That’s great. You can see interchanges, bridges and roads. We do all that work, And we have people in them.

“It’s just a few (it’s an economic stimulus), and the general economy of Champaign now,” he added. “Champaign prosperity. We have curls, we have a great group in our U. We give them great workers and they give us big wages. . “

Workers walked in front of the parade, hoisting the American flag and visiting most of the width of the street.

Behind them were ironworkers working on a variety of projects, from the county-wide wind farm turbines to the upgrade of the Karl Foundation Hospital in Urbana. This year was also a good year for the group.

“I’m busy with work,” said business manager Charles Black. “We have experienced some growth like everyone else.”

Of course, not all unions have had such a fruitful year. Behind the parade were Roofers, Waterproofers, and Allied Workers Local Union 97, which were down about 10,000 hours, said business manager Darrell Harrison. This is a significant part of the union’s work.

“We have some companies that can’t get the material from them, so we’re a bit late in the spot,” Harrison said. “They are quite late in making them.”

Of course, the parade was an important event for all unions. It was an opportunity to make an impression on the world.

For the ironworkers, a large I-beam was hung vertically from the crane, and member Chris Kaleton climbed and threw candy at the children in the crowd along the route. This is an annual tradition.

“It’s fun for members to go out and show the public what we’re doing,” Black said. “It keeps our perception positive for the general public and shows them that we are working hard every day. It just educates the general public about various transactions.”

Local Union Celebrate at Labor Day Parade for the First Time in a Year | Local News

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