CPD cancels vacation request and prepares for the aftermath of the city’s vaccination deadline

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Scott Olson / Getty Images

Chicago — Police Department Brass seems to support a significant number of police officers ignoring the city’s vaccination obligations.

According to a new note from First Deputy Supt, holidays will be canceled and vacations will require the approval of the Deputy Prime Minister or higher. Eric Carter. This note will be read on all roll calls over the next 5 days.

“Until further notice: The use of selective leave by all sworn CPD members is restricted,” the memo said.

Cancellations of officers’ vacations are usually booked on July 4th and other times the department is preparing for the potential for a surge in violence.

Officers do not have to work seven days a week to cancel selective leave. Instead, it only affects comp times and personal holidays that require approval.

Fraternal Order of Police President John Catanzara predicts that half of the ministry’s sworn police officers may not comply with the city’s vaccination obligations. City construction required vaccination status to be submitted until midnight on Friday.

Mayor Lori Lightfoot threatened to put police officers who did not comply with their vaccination or testing obligations in “unpaid” status.

Wrightfoot on Friday filed a complaint with the police union as city workers approached the deadline to submit vaccination status.In court on Friday, Katanzara Temporarily banned public comment on this issue..

CPD cancels vacation request and prepares for the aftermath of the city’s vaccination deadline

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