Jury awarded $ 25 million to a man convicted of illegal murder | Illinois News

Chicago (AP) —Friday federal jury awarded more than $ 25 million to a man who sued the city of Chicago and two police detectives after spending nearly 23 years in prison after being unfairly convicted of murder. Did.

Eddie Bolden was released from prison in 2016, two years after the Court of Appeals ruled that his attorney was invalid. Cook County Law Firm withdrew the case rather than bring Bolden to trial again, he was given a certificate of innocence and was able to receive state payments for his time in prison. ..

However, city lawyers and detectives claimed during a federal trial that Bolden’s criminal trial was fair and guilty of the 1994 murder.

A spokeswoman said the Chicago Legal Department “is reviewing the verdict and evaluating its legal options.”

The jury ordered the city to pay $ 25 million in compensatory damages, and the two surviving police detectives ordered the city to pay $ 100,000 in punitive damages.The Chicago Tribune won the overall prize Exceeds the $ 25 million verdict Awarded to Sadeus Jimenez in 2012, it is believed to be the highest award in an illegal conviction in Chicago.

Bolden’s proceedings alleged that he was involved in the murder of 24-year-old Derrick Frazier and 23-year-old Irving Clayton. Bolden’s lawyer, Ron Safe, told the jury that police had no evidence that he was involved in the drug deal that led to the murder.

Jury awarded $ 25 million to a man convicted of illegal murder | Illinois News

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