Laxalt paves the way for the 2022 Senate race with Biden’s backlash | WGN Radio 720

Gardnerville, Nevada (AP) — Republican Adam Laksal is an early target for angry and fearful people in a fierce battle state in the west where the party that controls the US Senate can be determined, and Catherine next year.・ Informed the bet of competition with Senator Cortez. The mast is existential.

From rural towns to Las Vegas, the people he met in the campaign ask: And it’s very fast, “he said in Gardnerville on Sunday, near where the cows were lined up on the freeway. “We have a role to play in this race to save the whole country.”

Since launching the campaign with an ad titled “The Good Guys” with the theme of “Star Wars” of good vs. evil, Laxart has been working against the Democratic Party in parallel with the “fundamental change” of the United States. He says. Media, Hollywood, Big Tech.

High stakes messaging reflects early campaigns on the Rust Belt battlefields such as Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, a National Republican strategy focused on drawing a clear contrast to Democrats on cultural issues. Suggests.

“For now, the wrong side seems to be winning. Radical leftists, rich elites, awakened businesses, academia, Hollywood, and the media-they are hijacking America,” Laxart said in a campaign ad. There is. And destroy the property.

Besides explaining the $ 3.5 trillion infrastructure bill as a way to radically transform the country, Laxalt’s position on other issues being discussed in the Senate and what changes they warn of. It doesn’t elaborate on how to contribute.

On Sunday, he declined to speculate on how he would vote for the elections, Big Tech and abortion measures that came out to be discussed in Congress this year. Laxalt’s message was tuned to increase Republican turnout in both primary and general elections by capturing the feeling that he was causing disillusionment early in the campaign, rather than linking him to voting. I am.

Nevada, in many respects, symbolizes the challenges the Democrats face in defending the majority in 2022. The tourism-led economy, which is prone to booms and busts, has recorded the highest unemployment rate in Japan for the second straight month. Known as a socially liberal state, the nationwide opposition to coronavirus obligations and school curriculum decisions has led to a receptive audience in both rural and urban areas of Nevada this year. I found.

By the first quarter of the Laxalt race, $ 1.4 million in funding was 40% ahead of military veteran Sam Brown. Brown is another Republican who widely opposes socialism, Big Tech, and “call-out culture.” The June 2022 primary is still a few months away, but Republicans and Democrats treat Laxalt as a front runner for the GOP, and his candidacy focuses solely on Democratic Cortez Mast.

Cortez Mast raised $ 3.2 million during the quarter, demonstrating funding to help win the race to take over former Senate leader Harry Reid by just 2.4 percentage points in 2017. As his carefully selected successor, she benefited from an army of staff, loyal to Reed, the turnout machines they completed in the previous cycle, and campaign spending from external groups on her behalf. And astronomical $ 45 million.

Despite a series of recent defeats, including a 2.4 percentage point defeat in the 2020 presidential election, Nevada Republicans have a historic tendency to favor minorities in the midterm elections in the evenly divided U.S. Senate. I hope it helps to get the majority back.

Fred Rocken, a professor of political science at Truckee Meadows Community College, said census and voter registration data show that Nevada has become more urban and blue-lean in the last decade. Still, he said, Democrats can usually face headwinds that plague the presidential party in the midterm elections.

“She opposes the pattern,” he said of Cortez Mast. “Disillusionment with the promises made by the political parties in power will probably inspire people to vote for other parties.”

In a speech tour that included the suspension of campaigns in each of the 17 counties in Nevada, Laxalt showed in a recent poll that he was trapped in fierce competition with Cortez Mast.

He begged supporters on Sunday to take advantage of their anger as Democrats transform the country and reach out to independents, who make up 27% of voters. Internal polls of the campaign show that Nevada’s independents are leaning towards the Republican Party.

“And of course, no one supports this madness we see every day and this truly terrible incompetence,” Laxalt said in an infrastructure bill, withdrawal from Afghanistan, and a coronavirus order. Mentioned.

Irene Cohen, who came to hear Laxal on Sunday, said he was worried about his ability to overcome the Democratic dominance in the Las Vegas region. But she is convinced that there must be people on the other side of the aisle who are as angry with the Biden administration as she is.

“There must be Democrats wondering what’s going on,” she said, with the US-Mexico border and infrastructure under consideration supported by Biden, Cortez Mast, and 19 Senate Republicans. Mentioned the image of the bill.

Laxalt, the grandson of former Senator Paul Laxalt, succeeded Cortez Mast in 2015 as Attorney General of Nevada. He ran for governor in 2018 and subsequently co-chaired the 2020 campaign of former President Donald Trump in Nevada, leading a proceeding against the rules before the election. And the result.

Despite supporting changes to the rules governing elections, Laxalt said he wouldn’t speculate whether he voted to prove the 2020 election results in January.

He opposed abortion, but on how he would vote if actions taken by the US Supreme Court forced the Senate to consider the Roe v. Wade codification supported by Cortez Mast. He said he wouldn’t guess. Despite attacking Big Tech, he doesn’t say he upheld the abolition of Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, which provides social media companies with immunity to user-generated content. Efforts to change the law have been endorsed by Democrats who are concerned that it could allow the spread of false information and Republicans who blame it for allowing censorship on social media.

He said on Sunday that the voters he had met were most interested in the trajectory the United States took under Biden. More than ever, “what’s happening in our country is what they don’t recognize,” he said.

“I will continue to talk about what the daily Nevadans can do to send the message that they do not want this radical change.”


Metz is a corps member of the Associated Press / Report for America Statehouse News Initiative. Report for America is a non-profit national service program that places journalists in the local newsroom to report on unreported issues.

Laxalt paves the way for the 2022 Senate race with Biden’s backlash | WGN Radio 720

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