Robert Durst was hospitalized with COVID-19, his lawyer says

Los Angeles (AP) — New York real estate heir Robert Durst was hospitalized after being infected with COVID-19, his lawyer said Saturday.

Defendant lawyer Dick DeGuerin said he was informed that Dust was hospitalized after testing positive for the coronavirus. Degrin said he was unaware of Durst’s condition and was trying to find out more.

Dust, 78, was sentenced to life imprisonment on Thursday for murdering his best friend over 20 years ago without the opportunity to be released on parole. Dust, who has many medical problems, was sitting in a wheelchair with a catatonic gaze during many of the judgment hearings.

“He was very, very ill in court,” Degrin said on Saturday.

He was convicted of a single murder in the Los Angeles High Court last month for shooting Susan Berman’s close range at his home in December 2000.

The murder is a mystery that has plagued family and friends for 15 years until Darst was arrested in 2015 following a wise decision to uncover new evidence and participate in a documentary that involved him in an astonishing confession. bottom.

Degrin said Thursday that Darst would appeal.

Robert Durst was hospitalized with COVID-19, his lawyer says

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