Sarah Jones’ father calls for a safety coalition to deal with the dangerous situations and accountability of movies and TV shows – deadline

On the eve of the 8th wedding anniversary Sarah JonesHer father, who died on a Georgia railroad gantry, wants to create a safety coalition to address safety issues, prevention and accountability in the film and television industry.

Jones, a 27-year-old camera assistant, was killed on February 20, 2014 on a fateful movie set. Midnight rider, When she was attacked by a speed-violating freight train. Seven others were injured on the first day of the shooting, and film director Randall Miller was convicted of manslaughter and spent a year in prison.

Sarah’s father, Richard Jones, A relentless activist for the safety of the set, tells Deadline that civil and criminal penalties for reckless and dangerous behavior are one thing.But “it’s too late to enter the court system.” An accident like the one that killed his daughter, and the shooting of Halyna Hutchins in the New Mexico set last October. rust, “It shouldn’t happen in the first place,” he said.

He said the Safety Union will strengthen the industry’s long-established safety breaking news, focus on prevention and make the responsible person accountable. “Safety breaking news is in place and must be observed – with them and respect for common sense and human life. However, the guild also has to be convicted of criminal activity while they are at work. We need to hold people accountable. I think expulsion is appropriate. It needs to be strong enough to prevent action in the first place. To me, it’s pretty obvious. What’s missing is Execution, results, accountability. “

View the entire industry Breaking news here:

His open letter to the industry is:

“This eightth anniversary of the death of my daughter Sarah brings yet another tragic death in the film industry. On October 21, last year, cinematographer Halyna Hutchins shot during the production of the movie” Last. ” I was fatally injured in the incident. Another meaningless death brought about by negligence and neglect of security measures.

“This doesn’t have to happen again. Through non-profit contracting services, the film industry has developed many of the guidelines needed to produce a set safely through what is known as breaking news.

Halyna Hutchins may still be alive if Breaking News # 1 “Safety with Firearms and Recommendations for the Use of” Blank Ammunition “” is attached to the call sheet, discussed at the Safety Conference, and followed. I have.

My daughter Sarah Jones would still be alive if Breaking News # 28 “Railway Safety Guidelines” was attached to the call sheet, discussed at the Safety Conference, and followed.

“What is missing is execution. And the result.

“If the safety protocol is ignored, the result should be that the offender would only endanger the safety of other crew members and not move on to yet another production.

“People who are known to ignore or deliberately violate safety protocols should probably not be given the honor of being a member of their future guild. I’m sure there are additional good results that can be implemented. doing.

“The crew has been dying and seriously injured many times. Tragedy is always one bad decision. When producers try to save money, it can affect the safety of the set. We often hire unqualified crew members in an authoritative position. Due to time and budget constraints, safety issues can be overlooked or ignored.

“To avoid an onset accident, the crew must occasionally confront the producer, demand changes, and explain why the production company’s decision puts the crew at serious risk.

“Sara’s death gives us enough peace of mind for more crew to speak, but as we’ve seen, we need to do more.

“The above producers employ production managers and UPM. These managers employ 1st AD, Key Grip, Prop Master, Armor and other important department heads. These department heads , Are expected to adhere to established best practices and safety guidelines.

“But what are the consequences if not? OSHA fines? They are surprisingly low.

“I challenge guilds, studios, networks, film and television production companies to put safety first.

“I suggest that like-minded individuals work together to form a safety alliance and help the industry come up with solutions. This is a better way.

“The film and television business is made up of a group of amazing crafts and experts who can create the impossible. Now is the time to help them create the potential.

“Together, we can help prevent other families from being destroyed due to someone’s lack of care or neglect of the set safety. The consequences are the enforcement of breaking news. Helps. “

Sarah Jones’ father calls for a safety coalition to deal with the dangerous situations and accountability of movies and TV shows – deadline

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