Arizona Republican Voting Review Draft Found Wider Biden Wins Trump

Phoenix (AP) — A draft report of an election review in Arizona’s largest county by supporters of former President Donald Trump found that President Joe Biden actually won the 2020 presidential election there. He claims to have lost because of fraud.

The final report was scheduled to be published on Friday afternoon. This is the result of a month-long partisan review partially funded by taxpayers. The draft document began to be distributed Thursday night, showing the chaotic results of a review of all 2.1 million votes in Phoenix’s hometown of Maricopa County. The draft tally showed a net increase of 360 votes in Biden beyond the official results.

Maricopa County Law Firm has provided a draft for the Associated Press. Republican Senate Chairman Karen Fann said in a text message that the document was “a draft leaked three days ago,” but did not challenge its credibility. She said she signed a nondisclosure agreement and didn’t say whether the draft polls changed during the week.

Whatever the final count quoted in the report, it has nothing to do with the official Maricopa County or Arizona certification report. Two previous election reviews conducted by nonpartisan experts according to industry standards also found that Biden won both.

Still, for many critics, the draft tally emphasized the dangerous uselessness of the election, which fueled voters’ skepticism about the election and triggered audits of imitators nationwide.

“This was an audit in which they completely created the procedure,” said Ben Ginsburg, a prominent Republican election lawyer. “This was Donald Trump’s best chance to prove his case that the election was fraudulent and fraudulent, and they failed.”

The Maricopa County government is governed by a Republican majority committee, which has accused the review of fraud.

Jack Cellars, Republican Chairman of the Maricopa County Oversight Board, said: “This is the end of the story. Everything else is just noise.”

Democrat Adrian Fontes, who oversaw the Maricopa County elections office during the 2020 elections, said political turmoil was the real purpose of the review.

“They are trying to scare people to doubt that the system is actually working,” he said. “That’s their motive. They want to destroy public confidence in our system.”

The draft argued for many shortcomings in the election process, suggested that the final tally was still unreliable, and recommended some changes to state law. However, the review previously made a series of false allegations withdrawn about how to handle elections in Maricopa County.

“Unfortunately, the report is littered with false and false conclusions about how Maricopa County conducted the 2020 general election,” Maricopa County officials said on Twitter.

Election officials say the audit team is prejudiced, has no experience in the complex areas of election audits, and ignores the detailed ballot counting procedures of Arizona law.

The two recommendations in the draft report stood out because they showed that the author misunderstood the election procedure. A paper ballot backup is required and the voting machine should not be connected to the internet. All Arizona ballots are written on paper, machines are used only to aggregate votes, and there is no internet-connected election facility.

Despite being widely ridiculed, Arizona’s review is a model that Trump supporters are enthusiastic about replicating in other swing states that Biden has won. Attorney General of the Democratic Party of Pennsylvania urged Thursday to block the subpoenas of various Republican election materials. In Wisconsin, a retired conservative State Supreme Court judge is leading an investigation into Republican orders for the 2020 elections, threatening non-compliance subpoena election officials this week.

Neither of these reviews can change Biden’s victory, as evidenced by the officials of each Swing State he won and Congress on January 6 — fueled by the same false accusations that generated the audit. To prevent proof of his loss after Trump’s supporters attempted to attack the Capitol.

The Arizona review did not reveal a single example of fraud, but the draft report continues to make misleading assumptions about the credibility of the elections that Trump amplified in a series of statements-it showed “fraud.” Insist.

For example, the review found that the names of voters in Maricopa County were matched against a commercial database and reported that 23,344 people had moved before the ballot was issued in October 2020. Places where you are legally voting at a registered address, such as a deployed member of the US military.

“A competent critic in the election wouldn’t make such a claim,” said Trey Grayson, a former Republican Secretary of State in Kentucky.

Barry C. Baden, director of the Election Research Center at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, said the draft report made some mistakes by grabbing a brief-explained statistical anomaly.

“They wonder why there are a certain number of voters in this category and why they can’t explain what happened,” Baden said in a phone call organized to refute the review’s allegations. “It probably reflects their lack of knowledge, experience, and ability, as well as real problems, contradictions, or confusing mistakes that may be occurring in the electoral system.”

The election review was conducted by Doug Logan, CEO of a cybersecurity company called Cyber ​​Ninjas, who has never conducted an election audit. Logan previously appeared in a movie asking about the results of the contest while the ballot was being reviewed, in collaboration with lawyers and Trump supporters trying to overturn the 2020 presidential election.

Logan and others were scheduled to give their presentation to two Senators Arizona on Friday afternoon.

This review has a history of exploring exotic conspiracy theories and spending time checking ballot bamboo fibers to see if they were secretly shipped from Asia. It also acts as a content-generating machine for Trump’s skeptical view of his loss and efforts to send out misleading information that has been circulated since the former president was uncovered. Did.

For example, in July Logan made a series of allegations resulting from a misunderstanding of the election data analyzed. This includes 74,000 postal ballots that are recorded as received but not sent. Trump repeatedly amplified his claims. But they had a harmless explanation.

The Arizona Senate has agreed to spend $ 150,000 on audits and additional security and equipment costs. This is inferior to the approximately $ 5.7 million that Trump’s allies donated to fund the audit as of late July.

Official Maricopa County votes were conducted in front of bipartisan observers, as well as legally required audits to ensure that voting machines function properly. A partial hand count spot check found an exact match.

Two additional post-election reviews by federal-certified election experts also found no evidence that the voting machine switched votes or was connected to the Internet. The oversight board commissioned a special review to prove to Trump supporters that there was no problem, but fans and others who supported her Partisan Review were not convinced.

Arizona Republican Voting Review Draft Found Wider Biden Wins Trump

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The post Arizona Republican Voting Review Draft Found Wider Biden Wins Trump appeared first on Illinois News Today.

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