A new report reveals how likely it is that blacks will be stopped and forced by the Chicago Police Department – ​​CBS Chicago

With ToddFeurer Megan Hicky

Chicago (CBS) — According to a new report from Chicago’s top watchdog, blacks in Chicago are much more likely to be stopped by police and subject to the use of force by officers after their suspension.

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An analysis by the Chicago Directorate General of Inspection (OIG) has revealed how wide the gap has been in recent years.

The Inspector General’s office analyzed police stops and the use of force for about two and a half years from October 17, 2017 to February 28, 2020, and said, “There is an overwhelming disparity in the proportion of blacks and non-blacks. I found that there was. I was stopped by the police. “These disparities occur in all districts of the Chicago Police, regardless of the racial makeup of the district.

For example at 18th In the area just north of downtown (near the north), only 7.9% of the population was black, but 73.5% of the survey suspensions during that period were for blacks.Even overwhelmingly black police stations, blacks are still being targeted at a disproportionately high rate like 6.th The population is 95.9% black, and 97.2% of the survey suspension is in the southern (Gresham) district, which targets blacks.

“Blacks were overwhelmingly disproportionately stopped by CPD, regardless of the population composition or crime level of the stop,” the report said. “Blacks were disproportionately exposed to power, regardless of the district’s demographics or the level of crime in the district.”

Overall, blacks make up about 30% of the city’s population, 68% of police suspensions, and 84% of the use of armed cases after suspensions during that period. From there, CPD was more likely to use higher levels of force options for blacks than for non-blacks.

“Blacks were much more likely to be stopped by police than non-blacks in investigation and traffic outages. This result is consistent throughout the CPD district, which CPD defines as a” high crime “district. The different patterns of behavior of police officers in our districts cannot fully explain the disparity, “says the OIG report. “Blacks were more likely to face the use of power than non-blacks when stopped due to a survey or traffic outage. This result was consistent across the CPD district.”

During the suspension of investigations, blacks underwent physical examinations or puttdowns 1.5 times more often than non-blacks, and their cars were searched 3.3 times more often than white drivers’ cars and 1.6 times more often than all non-blacks. .. -Black driver’s vehicle.

Craig Futterman, a law professor at the University of Chicago, also noted that the data also show that black Chicagoers are four times more likely to be shot dead by Chicago police than non-black people.

“CPD data show what blacks in Chicago know throughout the city’s history, which is the ongoing race of who will be stopped, who will be beaten, and who will be killed,” he said. Told.

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The report also states that Latins are more likely to face the use of deadly force in police force cases than non-Latin people, while whites use higher levels of force than non-whites. I found that I rarely face.

OIG’s findings are not surprising given that the CPD is already facing a reform of court orders following the 2016 Justice Department’s report of the Chicago Police Department’s discovery of systemic abuse of minorities.

Court order Consent decree The CPD should review the use of force policies each year, track foot tracking, and document each time a police officer points a gun at someone.

in the meantime, CBS 2 investigators have also recorded that police often fail to activate their body cameras. When the vehicle is stopped, especially when a colored person is stopped.

CBS 2 obtained data on more than 340,000 of these stops between early 2018 (the first year all police officers had body cameras) and June 30, 2020. ..

There were no body camera videos at more than 62,000 stops during that period.

About half of the unrecorded interactions involved police officers who were not required by policy to wear body cameras, including police officers from specialized teams.

To find out the number of stops that were potential policy violations, CBS 2 isolated the stops made by police officers who normally wear body cameras. This indicates that approximately 34,000 outages (approximately 10 percent) were made by officers not assigned to gangs, guns, or saturated teams.

Since cameras were given to all patrol police officers, the number of outages that normally wear camera officers shoot with body cameras has steadily increased from about 86% in early 2018 to over 92% by June 2020. Has increased to.

The OIG report did not support these statistics on body camera usage. Regarding the analysis of police outages and the use of force, the report was merely an assessment of CPD data and did not include recommendations for further reforms in CPD.

“OIG is the credible de facto foundation for this report to understand the root causes of disparities in the use of CPD power and to minimize the harm caused by the use of CPD power. I hope it will be, “said the report.

Nonetheless, the report was sent to the Chicago Police Department and could be used to improve their practices regarding the suspension of investigations and the use of force.

In the response contained in the report, CPD “has made significant progress in training in Force use and procedural equity and has revised a number of policies, including but not limited to the entire series of Force use orders.” Said.

“In fact, the ministry has achieved preliminary compliance with the use of compulsory paragraphs in the consent decree,” CPD said in its response.

However, an independent monitor tasked with overseeing CPD compliance in the Consent Decree has repeatedly found, Although the department has made improved progress in implementing court-ordered reforms, there is still a long way to go to make all the necessary improvements.

“The ones that haven’t changed are the victims of police force and police violence, the same as in 2020, 2021, and 2018,” Futterman said.

Other news: New Illinois legislation is envisioned to prevent animal cruelty from keeping pets, but CBS 2 has found no plans or guidance to enforce it.

Futterman carefully noted that one of the unhighlighted data findings has reduced Chicago police violence and Chicago police violence since 2014. Deadly use of force case. But nonetheless, the report finds that black Chicagoers are exposed to much higher rates of power use than non-black Chicagoers.

A new report reveals how likely it is that blacks will be stopped and forced by the Chicago Police Department – ​​CBS Chicago

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