Millions of people consuming “invisible toxic cocktails” of cancer-related chemicals: research

(((Hill) – Millions of Americans unknowingly consume water, including: “Invisible toxic cocktail” A survey of cancer-related chemicals has uncovered a new survey of national tap water.

Environmental Working Group (EWG) 2021 Tap water databaseIs open to the public as of Wednesday, and arsenic, lead, and “eternal chemicals” (perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)) in the drinking waters of tens of millions of households in all 50 states, not just Washington. ) And other toxins have been revealed. , DC

“The Environmental Protection Agency’s Groundwater and Drinking Water Department cannot fully withstand pressure from water operators and pollutants to protect human health from dozens of toxic pollutants in US drinking water. Has been demonstrated for decades, “said EWG President Ken Cook at a press conference.

To edit the database, EWG researchers and scientists spent two years collecting and analyzing US water pollutants from approximately 50,000 water systems, according to the group’s news release. Researchers have described their findings as “obsolete infrastructure and rampant pollution of raw water,” and “relying on archaic science” to “allow dangerous levels of toxic chemicals in drinking water.” Environmental Protection Agency. I thought it was due to the abolished regulation from (EPA).

While editing the database, researchers also identified 56 new pollutants in American drinking water, according to an EWG spokesman. These generally fall into two categories. The two groups primarily include new PFAS compounds and chemicals found in EPA’s fourth unregulated pollutant monitoring analysis. This analysis collects data on suspected drinking water pollutants for which there are no health-based standards yet.

To view information about pollutants in a particular area, users log in to the database, enter their zip code, scroll down and select a utility that helps the community. Next, the database shows “detected pollutants” and emphasizes that “laws are not always safe”.

“Getting a passing score from the federal government does not mean that water meets the latest health guidelines,” the database warns.

For example, Washington, DC has 13 pollutants that exceed the EWG’s health guidelines, but the district complies with legally mandated federal standards.

DC Water and Sewerage Corporation’s drinking water contains 58 times more arsenic, 1,200 times more bromochloroacetic acid, 328 times more bromodichloromethane, 116 times more chloroform, and 4.3 times more hexavalent chromium, which EWG considers safe. .. , According to the database. All of these pollutants have been shown to increase the risk of cancer.

New York City has 10 pollutants that exceed the EWG’s health guidelines and also complies with legally mandated federal standards. According to the database, the city’s tap water contains 73 times more bromodichloromethane, 80 times more chloroform, and 2.1 times more hexavalent chromium, which the EWG considers safe.

The EWG called for substantial federal investment to help resolve US tap water problems, including the removal of toxic lead service lines and the cleanup of PFAS pollution. Both of these are included in Congress’s infrastructure spending bill, which is still under discussion.

“By focusing on more funding, stronger federal security standards, and supporting historically disadvantaged areas, safe water could finally be given to all communities across the country.” Cook said. “Until then, the EWG’s tap water database is an important part of our work to help consumers and communities learn about the true extent of the problem, empower them and advocate for better water quality. It will continue to be a part. “

According to the EWG, the Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974 empowered the EPA to monitor tap water quality in the United States, and authorities set maximum pollution levels for over 90 pollutants, provided by most water systems. The water produced is not really safe.

According to an EWG statement, the EPA’s Groundwater and Drinking Water Authority has not added new pollutants to its regulatory list since 2000. On the other hand, many of the maximum contaminant levels do not reflect current science. For example, the EWG found that nitrate standards are based on the 1962 US Public Health Service recommendations.

According to the EWG, pollutants such as PFAS and hexavalent chromium, which became famous in the battle of activist Erin Brockovich in Hinkley, California, have not yet been legally restricted, causing water operators to plague communities. There is no incentive to tackle the pollution that is happening.

“Our government needs to be awakened to the fact that clean water is a human right, regardless of race, income or politics,” Brokovich said in a statement. “Achieving true water equity means giving everyone in this country, or everyone, access to reliable, affordable and safe tap water, and their loved ones. Will not poison. “

The EPA did not immediately respond to Hill’s request for comment.

Millions of people consuming “invisible toxic cocktails” of cancer-related chemicals: research

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